miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009

Freescale's ZigBee Smart Energy Completes the Connection from the Grid to the Consumer

Webinar: Freescale's ZigBee Smart Energy Completes the Connection from the Grid to the Consumer

"Smart grid" is the latest buzz word in the energy sector. While the smart grid looks at end-to-end connectivity, the battle for energy efficiency and an effective smart grid won't be won through complex distribution networks, the last mile—or even the last meter. It will ultimately be won through the end consumer. Join us for an online webinar that covers how ZigBee® smart energy provides a critical piece in the smart grid connection.

Webinar: Freescale's ZigBee Smart Energy Completes the Connection from the Grid to the Consumer
December 3, 2 p.m. EST (1 p.m. MEXICO)

Register Now »

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